T.M. Evans


     Hello reader, web surfer, and/or writing/reading enthusiasts, I now officially welcome you to my first website. Hopefully this website is just temporary as I hope to buy my own domain at some point. For now this shall serve my needs. I hope that you find this website interesting if not entirely fascinating. Just kidding about the fascinating part, I don't expect for you to get more out of this site than a slight insight to me. Maybe that's just me being humble again but only time and your comments shall tell that tale.
     Perhaps you are here because you have read some of my work and wish to know more about me, but I doubt that. Perhaps you were sent this direction from my blog. If not than there is a handy little url on the My Blog page. Visit it if you like me, don't if you don't, either way I will still be writing, just with one less person reading my stuff. I currently have no works published but have many I am working on that I plan/hope to get published at some point in the future. Remember all comments or questions are welcome, even if they seem a little stupid shoot my way. Hope you enjoy my site.